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Inspiration of Modern Minimalist Carport Design

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Modern minimalist carport is the exterior of the minimalist home that is currently rife used for those who desire to add value plus the dream home. Do you already have it ?? No problem for you who have the shape of a small house or large.

Carport is synonymous with the garage of the house, Build a modern minimalist carport as mandatory because the carport is increasingly popular as an alternative area for those of you who have a vehicle, use of carport is to put a car or other vehicle.

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There are various materials that you can choose to design your modern minimalist carport, but need consideration in choosing the design either from the budget, time of work and form. Every material has an age limit. For example materials made of iron, will experience corrosion and rusting. In contrast to stainless steel material, this material is not easily exposed to corrosion but requires a larger budget than ordinary iron.

You can also choose a carport made from wood, because the wood has a very high aesthetic value and has a distinctive texture so that your modern minimalist carport will look more beautiful. But the weakness is the wood the longer the wood will be weathered and vulnerable to termites.

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Peneliti Aswaja NU Center Kota Blitar

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